
Taking a break from my WordPress community activities

It’s a funny old world. Over the course of the past few years I’ve seen a lot of people take a step back from contributing to WordPress, and I never thought I would get there. But here I am, writing about taking exactly such a break.

When I joined the WordPress community back in early 2016, it was the first global tech community I’d ever actively joined. Like the first time you learn to ride a bike, all I wanted to do was be part of this amazing thing and do as much of it as I could. Now, just 3 years later, I feel burned out and disillusioned as to what my purpose in this community really is.

Don’t get me wrong, the community is not the problem, just like riding a bike up and down your street is not the problem. But all it takes is one or two potholes, or an inconsiderate driver, and things soon take a turn for the worse.

Organising local events

I attended my first WordCamp in Cape Town in 2015, spoke at WordCamp Cape Town in 2016, lead the team for 2017 and 2018, and was part of the team again in 2019, and I need a break. I’d like to be able to attend my home town WordCamp as an attendee next year, without needing to rush from an interesting conversation to whatever next issue might need to be dealt with. I wish the 202o team all of the very best, and I’ll happily assist wherever I can, but not in an official organising capacity.

I will also be taking a step back in organising our local meetup. Fortunately one of our members has joined the meetup organising team, and if she’s as good at organising meetups as she was running Logistics for WCCT 2019, we’re in good hands. I’ll still happily help the team plan events, liase with sponsors and find speakers, but it will be great to share the load of hosting with the three currently active meetup organisers.

WP Notify

I’ve been a community team deputy for about 2 years now, and it’s been an amazing journey. For 2020 I will be taking a big step back from that team, to focus on the future of WP Notify, the notifications feature project I’ve been working on with other WordPress contributors, for the past few months. I think WP Notify is something that WordPress is desperately lacking, and I see it as an important part of moving WordPress into the future, so I want to spend all my core contribution time focused on that.

Speaker diversity training.

Besides WP Notify, my other big goal for 2020 is to do what I can to support the Speaker Diversity Training programme grow and flourish within our local community. Deb Butler has already dedicated herself to launching this training programme, and I want to do whatever I can to assist her.

I am hoping that this break from all of the many volunteer things I, knowingly, get myself into, and a focus on only one or two, will help me redefine my purpose and feel some of that joy I first had back in 2016.






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