Tag: unit-tests

  • A Quick Hack to Writing Testable Code

    A Quick Hack to Writing Testable Code

    I’ll be the first to admit that I am fairly inexperienced in the practical application of unit testing, or any kind of automated testing. That’s not to say I don’t understand what these things are. I was first exposed to the concept of unit tests back in 2008 and automated browser testing in around 2012.…

  • Unit Tests for your WordPress plugin using WP CLI and PHPUnit

    Unit Tests for your WordPress plugin using WP CLI and PHPUnit

    Often when I write a blog post, part of the reason I write it is to document things that I tend to forget. This is one of those times. Requirements: PHPUnit: At the time of this writing, WordPress only supports the latest stable 7.x version of PHPUnit, and recommends installing it globally. wget https://phar.phpunit.de/phpunit-7.5.9.phar chmod…