Coding Words

UPDATE: Sign ups are now closed.

A practical guide for developers who want to become better writers.

For the past 5 years (or so), I’ve taken an active role in improving my writing as a developer. In March 2021, I was hired as a full-time technical writer at Delicious Brains.

Now I’m writing a book.

The goal of this book is simple, help developers who want to be able to write better. It won’t be a long book, but hopefully it will do that one thing well.

To ensure the book is useful, I’m inviting other interested developers to sign up as early access reviewers. If you join this group, you will get copies of each chapter as I complete them.

The goal here is simple, help me write the book you need, to help you write better. If it helps you, it will help other developers.

If you sign up, I cannot guarantee you will be accepted into this early access program. I specifically want to create a diverse group of early access reviewers to get input from all sorts of different viewpoints and perspectives. I’m probably going to select 10-15 reviewers to keep the group small and the feedback manageable.

I apologize in advance if you don’t make the cut, but I will send you a discount coupon when the book launches.

The only requirements are that:

  • you are a software developer
  • you struggle to write technical content (docs, articles, etc)
  • you have some time each month to read new chapters, and send me your feedback.

If you are interested, please fill in the form below. I plan to start sending out the first chapter on September 1st, 2021. I promise I won’t spam you. This isn’t even a sign-up for a newsletter platform. I’ll manually be emailing links to all reviewers.

I appreciate your interest in helping me write the best version of this book.

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