Blocks Testing

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  • The state of WordPress developer tools survey results

    person pointing paper line graph

    About two months ago I asked folks to complete the state of WordPress developer tools survey. I had planned to post the results about a week after the survey closed, but a trip to WCEU and another to my team meetup in the US delayed that post. Additionally, I was finding it hard to find…

  • Asus ROG Ally Average User Review: Part One

    I’ve always played video games for fun. From my first experience with Advanced Dungeons and Dragons on my uncle’s Intellivision console to my last run-through of Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order (4th time now and counting), video games are a hobby that I’ll happily spend hours and hours on, with no other reward than the…

  • The VSCode extensions I use to make it more like PhpStorm

    I’ve been using PhpStorm for about ten years now. Before that, I used Zend Studio, and before that I used Netbeans. I guess it has a lot to do with the fact that I was a Windows application programmer before I switched to web development, so I’ve always preferred feature-full IDEs to lightweight code editors…

  • 46

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    Today, I turned 46. I’m now officially on the wrong side of the downward slope towards 50. 🤣 In the past, I’ve always blogged about how I feel about turning another year older. This year, I want to share what I did on my birthday. I took the day off and spent it with my…

  • Testing out the WP Playground Interactive Code Block

    Update: the Interactive Code block has been deprecated and replaced with the new WordPress Playground Block, so all the examples in this post no longer work. I hope to update the use of this block in the near future. So if you attended the final keynote at WCEU you would have seen the WP Playground…

  • Jonathan goes to WordCamp Europe: 2023 edition

    It has been three years since I was last at WordCamp Europe, and so I was excited and a little nervous as to how I would handle seeing my WordPress people again. Suffice it to say, my fears were unfounded, as I spent 4 and a half glorious days catching up with old friends, making…

  • Please take the state of WordPress developer tools survey

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    Update: The survey is now closed, and I will be publishing the results next week the results have been published. In my work as a sponsored contributor to Learn WordPress, I often need to consider the environment that developers are working on. Are they using macOS, Windows, or a Linux distro? Do they use a…

  • Are you attending WCEU 2023?

    If you’re planning to attend, and would like to connect, please comment on the post.

  • My WordPress Origin Story

    This year, WordPress turns 20. To celebrate, the folks in the Marketing Team are running a 20 Days to Celebrate 20 Years of WordPress, From Blogs to Blocks campaign. For day 1, one of the prompts is: What is your WordPress origin story? Hello, world! My journey to WordPress was tied to my journey of…